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Ankel Band
Ankel Band
Ankel Band
Ankel Band
Ankel Band
Ankel Band
Ankel Band
Ankel Band

Ankel Band

Regular price $10.00
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Tone and strengthen the glutes, thighs and core with freeFORM secured ankle tubing. The Velcro attachment provides support and security from slipping and sliding up the leg. This is particularly important when using the bands to control the freeFORM Boards speed and distance of movement.

The ankle tuning can be used with and without the freeFORM Board.

Tubing comes in two resistance levels. Red tubing provides light resistance and is recommended for most people. Black tubing provides medium resistance.


Use the bands on their own

Use the bands with the freeFORM Board


Use the bands and the freeFORM Boards together with the Power Plate which is a larger product