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There is a fundamental difference that sets the freeFORM Board apart from other functional fitness tools.

The freeFORM Board is designed to not only roll on a horizontal plane, but in all other directions as well. This means that your body is able to stay in full contact with the device while it supports your body weight. As you approach the end range of movement, all you need to do is simply change direction and continue the exercise.

Not only can you move forwards, backwards, sideways and in circles, but you can stay in contact with the Board at all times. For example, if you want to transition from a prone face down position to a sideways lateral position, the freeFORM Board allows you to do so in one fluid movement.

At the elite level, the freeFORM Board helps athletes by strengthening entire joint-muscle groups. This is ideal for those whose chosen sport places continual dynamic loads on the body. 

freeFORM also provides the added benefit of being able to stimulate the dynamic loads, stresses and ranges of sports without having to visit the location. This can be seen in examples such as asketball, netball, all the football codes, skiing, surfing and rock climbing.

freeFORM can also be used as a general fitness tool or for rehabilitation and recovery. It achieves this by enabling incremental strengthening of joint-muscle groups in a controlled environment, and in many cases while partially or wholly supporting the body weight.

To freeFORM means to be able to train the body and the nervous system in a non-linear, non-repetitive manner. In daily life and in competitive sport in particular, your body and nervous system are being asked to respond to things you can’t plan for and in some instances, you haven’t trained for.

Naturally, the freeFORM Board allows you to exercise in a linear and structured manner, however its ability to combine motion on the horizontal plane as well as across any direction is totally unique and drastically widens your training options.